Direct Selling of Company′s Industrial Shares

BusyAge Consultancy Services is an Entrepreneurial Organization; we are into the business of promoting & developing entrepreneurs & making entrepreneurship simple. We provide different individuals with an opportunity to be the part of BusyAge & its dream by purchasing ownership in BCS & its sister concerns. BCS is a nursery which develops & Implements services for core companies so that an advanced level of services can be established and these can be deployed into separate companies. Holding of BCS′s Industrial shares, enable the investors to get industrial shares of each company, which are managed under our incubation Support system. The share availability & distribution method is explained below.

BCS holds minimum 18% shares in each of our core companies because the incubation of services implemented by these companies took place in BCS.

These 18% shares of core companies are held by shareholders of BCS in exactly the same ratio in which they hold the shares of BCS. For more detail you are cordially invited

BusyAge Consultancy Services is an Entrepreneurial Organization; we are into the business of promoting & developing entrepreneurs & making entrepreneurship simple. We provide different individuals with an opportunity to be the part of BusyAge & its dream by purchasing ownership in BCS & its sister concerns.

BCS is a nursery which develops & Implements services for core companies so that an advanced level of services can be established and these can be deployed into separate companies. Holding of BCS′s Industrial shares, enable the investors to get industrial shares of each company, which are managed under our incubation Support system. The share availability & distribution method is explained below.

BCS holds minimum 18% shares in each of our core companies because the incubation of services implemented by these companies took place in BCS.

These 18% shares of core companies are held by shareholders of BCS in exactly the same ratio in which they hold the shares of BCS. For more detail you are cordially invited

BCS Share Buying Terms & Conditions:

Cost of each lot of 1% share of BCS depends upon the company various growth stage. These stages have been divided according to the targeted working strength of the company. Cost of first lot is calculated for the targeted strength of 125 working people; the second lot′s benchmark strength is 150 People; the third lot′s benchmark strength is 200 people; and the fourth lot′s benchmark strength is two times the first lot’s benchmark strength i.e. (2 X 125 = 250); similarly, the fifth lot′s benchmark strength is two times the second lot′s benchmark strength i.e. (2 X 150 = 300); And this process continues till the 35 lots.

The costing has been done according to the following calculation:
Per Person Cost = (Targeted Strength * 25) + 17500

Where 25 is the increment on cost of one person per stage and 17500 is the minimum cost per person 1% Share Cost = Per Person Cost * Targeted Strength

The detailed cost of per lot and its corresponding target strength is given in datasheet.

Each lot cost also depends upon the current strength and cost of lot last sold.

If current strength is less than half of targeted strength the cost of 1% of share will be as mentioned in datasheet. But if the current strength is greater than half of targeted strength, then the new targeted strength is double of current strength. So the cost will be calculated according to new target strength.

The lot cost should be greater than or equal to the cost of lot last sold or mortgaged. There are 35 lots i.e. 35% for sale. The datasheet for the first 15% is as follows:

Table No.1

Table No.3

Table No.5

Table No.7

Table No.9

Table No.11

Table No.13

Table No.15

Table No.2

Table No.4

Table No.6

Table No.8

Table No.10

Table No.12

Table No.14

Table No.16

BCS has three different stages of contributors depending upon their contribution type. There are people in conditional period, then there are people in zero-period and at last there are active contributors. Once a person is introduced in the system they start at conditional period the next stage is zero-period and the final stage is active contributors. The investment criteria are different for different stages.

An Investor enters into conditional period when they invest in BCS, by holding BCS share as mortgage against their investment on fixed rate of interest as shown in datasheet above for a Minimum holding period. At the end of Minimum holding period investor gets approximately double the amount invested and the share held by them is returned to BCS.

On the other hand an investor after entering into conditional period and after completion of a Minimum conditional period can buy BCS shares.
After the investor finishes the Minimum conditional period they are eligible to buy share, or convert their held shares, or both.

  • If the investor wants to buy new lot and hold the earlier share/s as mortgage the cost of new share will be equal to the current lot cost.
  • If investor wants to buy the currently held share/s by upgrading the lot which is explained in later section.
  • And if the investor wants to buy new share as well as buy currently held share/s both the above points are applicable.
  • After the end of conditional period of initial investment investor enters into Zero-Period.
  • In Zero-Period an investor can buy min 1% share as described above.